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Job Num: 2022ER


SOFTWARE ANALYSTS Houston TX area. Modify existing software to correct errors. Design software systems using UNIX, SQL & Oracle. Travel / relocate to various unanticipated U.S. locs as reqd. Send res to Virtuoso Technologies, Inc., 2550 Gray Falls Dr., Ste 220, Houston,TX 77077

Job Num: 2022ER

Human Resources Manager

Sunnyvale, California


$44,000 - $55,000 Per Year

Experience Need

1-3 Yrs

Job Num: 2021ER

Software Engineer

San Fransisco, California


$85,000 - $90,000 Per Year

Experience Need

3-5 Yrs

Job Num: 2020ER

Administrative Coordinator

Boston, Massachusetts


$62,000 - $75,000 Per Year

Experience Need


Job Num: 2018ER

Talent Acquisition Specialist

San Fransisco, California


$85,000 - $90,000 Per Year

Experience Need

3-5 Yrs

Job Num: 2022ER

Human Resources Manager

Sunnyvale, California


$44,000 - $55,000 Per Year

Experience Need

3-5 Yrs

Job Num: 2021ER

Software Engineer

San Fransisco, California


$85,000 - $90,000 Per Year

Experience Need

3-5 Yrs

Industries Hiring

Find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences.


Professions Hiring

Chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying one who avoids a pain that produces.

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